Maintenance Plans
A Proactive Approach
As all business owners know, Unexpected Expenses is one of the biggest killers of cash flow.
Give your valuable company Data the best chance of staying Secure by keeping your IT Infrastructure up to date.
Not only are our various Maintenance Plans designed to keep your IT environment up to date, but we also keep our clients fully up to date with the state of health of every aspect of their IT infrastructure.
The best posture to adopt when it comes any IT ecosystem is to be Proactive instead of Re-active.
This is also summed up in the adage, “Prevention is better than Cure”. A Proactive attitude helps identify potential threats and weaknesses early before they become costly disruptions to your business and minimises the probability of downtime. Actively keeping all aspects of your network up to date – Hardware and software – is critical in keeping your network secure.
Choose one of our Proactive Maintenance plan offerings to best suit your needs:
Monthly or Weekly
Depending on your company requirements
- All Server/s Operating system Updates and Patches. This is of critical importance! Microsoft regularly releases software patches which attend to newly discovered weak points in your server operating system. Running these decreases the chances of a thief gaining access to your data. We cannot over emphasise the importance of getting this done.
- Anti-Virus signature updates and Full system scans on all serversIt is reported that nearly 1 million new computer viruses or other malicious software is released every single day! Keeping dedicated Anti-Virus software up to date and regularly scanning systems is a crucial step in keeping your Data safe and secure.
- Event LogsWe glean over your server/s event logs for any reoccurring errors that may pose risks and attend to these accordingly.
- We double check your back-up processes to make sure that should the urgent need of a recovery be required; we are able to do this in the least time possible to avoid business disruption. Back-ups are a critical part of your Business Continuity and Disaster Management. Ensuring successful back-ups are a hugely important part of our maintenance program. Maintenance calls will remain open and receive highest priority until any back-up issues are resolved.
- In addition to our thorough monthly back-up checks, daily notifications of the back-up program are automatically sent to a designated company staff member. They will be notified daily of successful back-ups as well as any process failures. They will then be required to notify us as soon as possible via our Helpdesk
End-Users Workstation:
- All user operating system updates will be run – includes security updates from Microsoft.
- We advise that staff computers use the latest operating systems possible for their hardware to run on. This ensures the latest available security on each PC.
- In addition to this, we also update the systems Anti-Virus signatures and run a full system scan.
- Update users Office software to use the latest updates and security patches.
- We report and advise on the removal of any known malicious programs or Bloatware that our technicians spot in use on end-user’s machines. These are often the cause of slow and poor computer performance.
- We run firmware updates on any Wireless Access Points that we manage.
- A report of any security risk anomalies is supplied from the Firewall (if we manage the clients Firewall).
- If requested and if applicable, we will also reset the companies Wi-Fi password. This aids in freeing up bandwidth for authorised staff and drops potential rouge access to the network.
- Provide a summary of all active MS365 user licenses to ensure that no unnecessary over-billing occurs.
Why wait?
As with all things in life, any well-functioning system requires good and constant maintenance.
Give your valuable company Data the best chance of staying Secure by keeping your IT Infrastructure up to date.
Not only are our various Maintenance Plans designed to keep your IT environment up to date, but we also keep our clients fully up to date with the state of health of every aspect of their IT infrastructure.